On Friday 08 May 2015, the acting Chief Executive Officer of Freedom Park Ms Jane Mufamadi led a delegation from Freedom Park to Tourism Indaba 2015 taking place in Durban, KwaZulu Natal. Tourism Indaba is the largest Tourism marketing event in Africa and ranks amongst the top three in the global calendar.
“The magnitude of the quest to attract International tourists has never been this high. Tourism Indaba 2015 is taking place at an opportune time, especially when Freedom Park is turning itself into a tour operator friendly destination. With the recent appointment of restaurant operator, the restaurant will be opening soon. For the first time, Freedom Park started signing agreements with Tour Operators to allow them to bring their guests to this awesome liberation heritage product”, says acting CEO Ms. Jane Mufamadi.
“Freedom Park has been showcasing its products at Tourism Indaba in the previous years. However, this year it will be different, exciting, timeous and momentous. Freedom Park is now fully operational and It’s all systems go for this unique liberation heritage monument”, Says HOD Public Participation, Mr Khorommbi Matibe.
Freedom Park is also presently hosting two temporary exhibitions on site in Pretoria namely“ History is the home address” showcasing the 19i56 Sophia Town Forced Removals and EK BEN EEN AFRIKANDER (I am an African) exhibition. Professionals, Academics, Officials, Historians, Researchers, Students, Artists, photographers, Educators, Leaners, Events coordinators and the general public are welcome to come view the exhibitions.
‘As Freedom Park we have a mandate and indeed an obligation to take Freedom Park to the people and bring the people to Freedom Park. We have a true story to tell, a story which originated from the late president Tata Madiba when he said ‘the day should not be far off, when we shall have a people’s shrine, a freedom park, where we shall honor with all the dignity they deserve, those who endured pain so we should experience the joy of freedom.’ Tourism Indaba is the best place to relay this message to both local and international people.
Freedom Park’s stall was a place not to be missed at the Tourism Indaba 2015. The liberation heritage monument has now inscribed 95 000 names of the freedom fighters heroes and heroines who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of this country. The Eternal Flame which burns unceasingly in honour of the unknown fallen heroes and heroines; the tranquility of the picnic place , the Uitspanplek for family gatherings; the sacredness and the spirituality place ,Isivivane; the majestic Gallery of Leaders etc, all these and many more products offerings will be showcased at Tourism Indaba.
African Travel Quarterly ATQ Magazine.
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